The knowledge of brahman
There is nothing far or near ;
Nothing as high or nothing as low ;
He is the same within and without ;
Amrit says for all and sundry (1)
The lord makes possible impossible
And impossible possible ;
He is omnipotent
That impells to keep silent (2)
There are two streams - Nirguna and Saguna,
Nirguna without attributes and Saguna with ones.
But Amrit, the liberated, is above duality ;
The silence removes the intellectual fatigue (3)
aBurning coal on the pile of straw,
Branch of a tree without any roots,
Water with nothing to contain it in ;
All contradictions
Resolve in BRAHMAN
Amrit says to view them together (4)
It is not false ; it is not true
It is not beyond the coast, it is not on this side
The senses and the mind can not scan it
Amrit contemplates the real nature (5)
It does not belong to a particular caste,
Not to a sub-caste, nor to an asrama,
There is no distinction between the high and the low ;
Amrit says it is immutable ONE, even the veda testify it || (6)
It is indescribable, final and boundless
Without characteristics, total and matchless
Indomitable, stable and unborn Amrit says
Unfathomable, unapproachable always beyond (7)
In the state liberation, There is no meditation,
No meditator Nor any object of meditation ;
There is none who is known,
Nor one who knows, nor the act of knowing,
So testifies the revered sage, Sri Amrit Nath ji (8)
Who is to bind and who can be bound,
Who will unbind and whom will he
All is merely idea alone,
What is there in speech and silence | (9)
No yogi perfect, No aspirant for perfection,
Nothing that cannot be attained
Or that which can be attained ; No action, no medium of action
Amrit says nothing that binds, Nor is one to be bound (10)
No love, nor lover, Who is the beloved and whose belover ?
Remembrance and negligence
Do they mean anything When there is none who knows
The knowledge and the known?(11)
The truth unusual and unique,
Unmani is only a state and idea,
Waking dreaming and deep slumber -
The phases in ignorance, the fourth as the witness (12)
Amrit, the sage revered, exhorts,
The aspirants, to realise
Worldly dealings are only a dream,
The self is in the slumber state
The fourth is the truth
Of the BRAHMAN - This should be realised (13)
Amrit, the sage of divine,
reveals the truth unique ;
The word, the feel of touch, form
taste and fragrance
Are forms of element, five in number.
The essentials of these are tanmatras,
The subtler aspects of the elements ;
Thus says the sage (14)
The eyes, the nose, the tongue and the ears
And the skin are the media of perception ;
The hands, the feet, the tongue, the anus
And the phalus are the tools of action || (15)
The abode of soul,
The body physique,
Has many aspects ;
The gross, the subtle,
The causal the super causal,
The BRAHMAN alone, the KEWALA,
The truth of being,
Is worthy O searching and of finding (16)
The gross body functions
In the state of waking up ;
The subtle in the dreaming one ;
The causal, the karana in the slumber
And KEWALA aspect works in the fourth || (17)
The twenty four are all real -
The five gross elements,
The ten media and the tools
Of perception and action
The four aspects of the inner self
The mind, the intellect, attending faculty
and ego - the self awareness
These constitute the functional body. || (18)
All twenty four active in waking
nine work in the state of dream,
In the state of slumber they all merge
In the fourth, they all merge into that which is one (19)
The three states of consciousness,
The waking dreaming and slumber
Are distinct for the practitioner of yoga,
For the accomplished one, the fourth is in the first (20)
The five sheaths, The three attributes,
The three states, Relate to the body
The true self, the atman Is different than these
One should discern (21)
As long a there is error,
there is dualism,
Error rectified, then only oneness
Amrit says, in final reckoning
Neither two nor one
Neither high nor low, neither good nor bad (22)
The world is the game of the supreme,
He himself being the player.
There is nothing which matters in play
Å¡an+kara sums in fact the truth (23)
The self reflects all around
There is nothing else but him
’I and you’ the play of words,
This explains the sage Amrit Natha (24)
Four Vedas six Scriptures
And Gita divine bear testimony,
Strong and firm - the one supreme
Permeates creation evenly and totally.
So says Å¡an+kara (25)