Great is forbearance
Meera endured and succeeded, all because of her fortitude,
Her ordeal evaporated, Lord came down to save,
Finally to grant her home in his heart (1)
Fortitude of Prahlada Won the favour of the Lord ;
Incarnated to crush The source of anguish ;
Loved him immensely Kissed him heartily
Took him in his fold and
Granted him knowledge that was divine (2)
Fortitude of Dhruva
Won him the highest place ;
Unwavering is the fame ; and the name
Shines through the heavens (3)
Because of fortitude
Moradhvaja has name
In the annals of Theology.
Endowed with endurance,
Survives the trials of destiny,
Flies colours over the obstacles (4)
Pandavas endured the agony of life,
Regained their kingdom lost in the game,
Krisna assumed the role of a charioteer,
Confounding perplexities resolved into straightness (5)
Vibhishana showed endurance,
came under shelter, became a devotee,
Difficulties vanished ; felt fulfilled.
Arise my friend and come to the lord (6)
Tolerant Sudama reached the abode of Krisna.
His destitution evaporated ;
gained a great name as a devotee (7)
Narsi withstood the trials of life,
All perplexities resolved into straightness ;
Lord granted him vision
And sent him to his abode. (8)
Sankara says :
It is tolerance, Which wins devotion ;
It is tolerance, Which helps in yogic observance ;
It is tolerance Which cures the sickness, of the world (9)
The gardener waters
His plants everyday, Patiently he looks after
To receive the fruit in time.(10)
Å¡an+kara says that tolerance supreme
Helps in the observance of japa and tapa.
It is tolerance which earns the knowledge
Tolerance resolves all perplexities (11)