
Great is forbearance

  • Meera endured and succeeded, all because of her fortitude,
    Her ordeal evaporated, Lord came down to save,
    Finally to grant her home in his heart (1)

  • Fortitude of Prahlada Won the favour of the Lord ;
    Incarnated to crush The source of anguish ;
    Loved him immensely Kissed him heartily
    Took him in his fold and
    Granted him knowledge that was divine (2)

  • Fortitude of Dhruva
    Won him the highest place ;
    Unwavering is the fame ; and the name
    Shines through the heavens (3)

  • Because of fortitude
    Moradhvaja has name
    In the annals of Theology.
    Endowed with endurance,
    Survives the trials of destiny,
    Flies colours over the obstacles (4)

  • Pandavas endured the agony of life,
    Regained their kingdom lost in the game,
    Krisna assumed the role of a charioteer,
    Confounding perplexities resolved into straightness (5)

  • Vibhishana showed endurance,
    came under shelter, became a devotee,
    Difficulties vanished ; felt fulfilled.
    Arise my friend and come to the lord (6)

  • Tolerant Sudama reached the abode of Krisna.
    His destitution evaporated ;
    gained a great name as a devotee (7)

  • Narsi withstood the trials of life,
    All perplexities resolved into straightness ;
    Lord granted him vision
    And sent him to his abode. (8)

  • Sankara says :
    It is tolerance, Which wins devotion ;
    It is tolerance, Which helps in yogic observance ;
    It is tolerance Which cures the sickness, of the world (9)

  • The gardener waters
    His plants everyday, Patiently he looks after
    To receive the fruit in time.(10)

  • Å¡an+kara says that tolerance supreme
    Helps in the observance of japa and tapa.
    It is tolerance which earns the knowledge
    Tolerance resolves all perplexities (11)