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Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 281


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Line: 6
Function: __construct

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Line: 293
Function: require_once

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Severity: Warning

Message: session_set_cookie_params(): Cannot change session cookie parameters when session is active

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 293


File: /home/ashramn5/public_html/front-app/controllers/Disciples.php
Line: 6
Function: __construct

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Line: 293
Function: require_once

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Severity: Warning

Message: ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time

Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

Line Number: 94


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Line: 6
Function: __construct

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Line: 293
Function: require_once

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Severity: Warning

Message: session_set_save_handler(): Cannot change save handler when session is active

Filename: Session/Session.php

Line Number: 107


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Line: 6
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Line: 293
Function: require_once

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Severity: Warning

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Filename: core/Input.php

Line Number: 415


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Line: 121
Function: multiple_view

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Line: 293
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Severity: Warning

Message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ashramn5/public_html/system/core/Exceptions.php:272)

Filename: core/Input.php

Line Number: 415


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Line: 121
Function: multiple_view

File: /home/ashramn5/public_html/index.php
Line: 293
Function: require_once

Amritanjali 2008 - Shrimati Sunita Dalmiya

Shrimati Sunita Dalmiya

I am writing here about a true incident in my life. When my daughter was 9 months old, I took her to the doctor for some reason. The doctor told me her head was too big for her body. He took a measurement of her head, 48cm, and wrote it down in the report. And then he asked me to come again a month later. When I took her to the doctor the following month, he told me that her head size had increased by 2cm. And then he told me to come again the next month. And then another month later, her head size had increased by 2cm again. And in the same way, the size of her head kept increasing by 2cm every month for the next 6 months.

        And that is when I asked the doctor that why was he not doing something to stop this unnatural growth of her head? The doctor told me that science does not have any solution for this kind of a problem. He gave me the name of a prominent surgeon for children in Kolkata and told me to take my daughter to him. The surgeon saw my daughter and asked me to get her scan done. When he saw the scan report, he told me that her brain was not developing and due to the lack of a particular element, the growth of her head was not ceasing. Science has no cure for it. Only God can cure her.

        By the time she was 15 months old, the size of her head had increased to become 58cm. Whenever people would see her, they would enquire about the abnormal size of her head. My daughter could not even sit properly.

        Our Sri Satguru Maharaj had come to Raniganj one day. We went to pay him a visit. The moment he saw her he said, “She has such a large head!” Babaji then touched her back and said, “Her backbone is crooked. The doctors do not have a cure for this.” Babaji then gave Prasad to everyone. In the end, when there was only one peda left, he called my daughter over to him and fed her that peda with his own hands. And then he said, “Pray with a true heart to Sri Nathji Maharaj. Everything will be okay.”

        And by the grace of Sri Nathji Maharaj, my daughter’s condition began to improve from that very day. She began to sit, stand, walk and run properly. When she turned 3, I put her in the Raniganj School after asking Babaji. And when she turned 3.5 years old, I admitted her in a school in Asansol after taking Babaji’s advice. It was only by the grace of Sri Nathji Maharaj that my daughter started to travel from Raniganj to Asansol School on a daily basis. This was an ordinary thing for Sri Nathji Maharaj but for me this was nothing short of a miracle of God. And it was Sri Satguru Maharaj’s kindness and great vision, which truly changed the course of my destiny.

Sunita Dalmiya