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Amritanjali 2008 - Shri Tej Pratap Buchasia

Shri Tej Pratap Buchasia

Glory to Shri Nathji!

I wish to pay my respects to most revered Shri Nathji Maharaj and so I say-“Victory and glory be to Shri Nathji!” I am fortunate indeed and feel privileged that Shri Nathji Maharaj has given me the task of writing my experiences with reference to the Shri Amrit Festival 2002 and my ideas and suggestions regarding the grand festival to be held in 2008.

The Amrit festival of 2002 has left an indelible impression in my heart and mind. I had never before witnessed such a splendid religious festival in my life, where lakhs of people gathered but not a single untoward incident took place. The local D.M., S.S.P., and S.P.-all officials had advised him not to have the Fire-Dance. Due to the miraculous powers of baba, the spectators got engrossed in watching ‘Ram lila’ and ‘Raas lila’ (dramatization of scenes from the lives of lord Rama and Krishna), and were so enchanted that the fire dance was performed behind the scenes and no one even came to know of it.

There is one incident that I can recall clearly. Little girls of our family were performing a dance item, while the Ram lila and Raas lila were going on. An old woman sitting in the audience asked her aged husband, “Who are the charming girls performing the dance?”

The old man said, “These are the daughters of the Buchasia family from Bisau. They are devotees of babaji. Shri Jyotinathji Maharajji had granted their family a boon that their daughters would transform whichever home they would marry into, and it would blossom and prosper like a garden. I was thrilled to hear this and I thought that I worried about my daughters in vain. I realized that my great-aunt, my own aunts, no matter from which branch of the Buchasia family, my sisters and cousins were all happily married and reigned over their households.

Babaji once blessed us and said that none of our credit notes would ever be dishonoured, whether we had a bank balance or not, although the cheques of even the wealthy people sometimes bounce and are returned by the banks. After that we began to save money and soon we had an adequate amount. Today my children Durga and Puja are studying in a good school of Raniganj. This has been made possible only by the grace of babaji. Babaji has brought us, his devotees, close to one another and has bound us together like the beads in a necklace; otherwise, our children i.e. the young generation would not even have recognized each other.

For example, my great aunt lives in Berali, and I had only heard about her. Her son visited Raniganj to attend a function of Babaji and we got the chance to meet. This is merely one example.

What further ideas or suggestions can I give regarding the 2008 festival to a teacher who is a god in human form? I pray to Shri babaji to shower his blessings on us; then all our tasks and desires will automatically be fulfilled.

If I have unconsciously committed any fault or error while writing this article, then I pray to Shri babaji to forgive me. I greet all devotees with the words, “Glory to Shri Nathji!”

 Shri Tej Pratap Buchasia